If this is your very first blog post, please follow these instructions first!
To prepare your Storytailor blog posts for publishing, arrange the images the way you want them in Blog and then click “Upload”.
In the next window, select Squarespace.
Once the upload is complete, copy the Storytailor code using the appropriate button.
In Squarespace, create a new blog post and click the + button. Scroll down to find the “Code” option and select it.
*NOTE* You will need to have a Squarespace “Business” plan in order to publish by pasting the Storytailor code. If you’re currently on a “Personal” plan, you’ll need to upgrade to a “Business” plan.
Paste in the code that Storytailor generated for you and click Apply. From here you can preview and publish your blog post.
And that’s that! Now go and create another new, amazing blog post!